14 Eylül 2012 Cuma

I'm feeling all Harvest-y

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Man, I don't know about you, but I'm already all in the Fall mood! I broke out the pumpkin spice candles and I'm about to hit the Franklin Cider Mill on the way to the Renaissance Festival tomorrow morning. The Ren Fest/Cider Mill trip always signals the official start of Fall for me.

Sooo, I need a polish that screams the season, and I chose OPI's Deutsch You Want Me Baby? DYWMB is a bright orange packed full of yellow shimmer, it positively glows.

This photo is a great visual of the yellow shimmer, make sure to enlarge the pick:

Unfortunately, I had a pretty bad nail catastrophe yesterday, I severely broke two nails trying to get a box down from a shelf...and both breaks were on my swatch hand! So I hope you don't mind the one finger swatches for a while.

Thanks for looking!

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