Kind of having Barry M maniac today! Been so long since I used them! And of course glitter, since everything gets better with glitter (do I say that too often!?).I tried starting a bit different than normally, I often begin with the area closest to the tear ducts and making it darker.It framed the eyes in a whole new way, which I like.But today I started with the dark colour at the corner of the eye. I think it's good to do the looks in different ways, otherwise it's easy to get stuck.Do you also make sure to create your looks differently?
Products in motion:Primer - Medusa Stick It! Eye Shadow PrimerShadows - Barry M Aqua Gold, Aqua Frost, Black Purple & Gold Iridescent pigmentsEyepencil - Snowflake by MUSEyeliner - Night Fever Glitter Eyeliner from Collection 2000Glitter - Too Faced Glamour Dust Blue Angel attached with Too Faced Shadow Insurance Glitter GlueMascara - Skinny Brush Mascara by EyekoBrows - Tri Brow Colour from MUS
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