13 Mayıs 2012 Pazar

The Birthday of Eyegraffiti

To contact us Click HERE
We're celebrating our first b-day!
Hooray hooray!
So why not show off with some of our coloured craziness of the past year! Yiha!
Starting with some various lips....

And here's just a few of our favorite eye looks. Glittering, exaggerating and blasting as it should be!

For those of you who wonder how it all started it was as simple as this: we had been taking photos of our looks for some time when Phlox said:
"What about us posting our looks in like a blog or something?"
Pause for reaction and me scrambling the thoughts together and:
"Great idea!"
And then of course it was this with coming up with a brilliant blog name that wasn't too cheesy or over-girly.
The first idea of this blog was just to show the eyes and hopefully be inspiration to someone out there. So the word Eye had to be included in the name somehow.
And since we get very positive response from people around us (both strangers and friends) about how we do our make up that had to be included too.
We like to use a lot of colours and sometimes in odd ways so I thought of the similarities between us and graffiti.
And the name was set,

We also want to take some time to really thank all of you who read this blog, and take both time and effort to comment on our looks.
We are very grateful for that, and we really appreciate every comment we get.

Having celebrated the first year of blogging why not share it with our readers?
So our quest to you now is:
What look do you want to see in the future?
Is there something particular you want us to do, try or show?
And, yes faces will be shown eventually. Don't you worry...
Requests, please!
Please comment below, or send an email to eyegraffiti@gmail.com.
No spam please!

Thank you for such a fun year, all readers!
Azure & Phlox!

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